Treating Symptoms

Infants younger than 4 months old

  1. Take Temperature

  • Rectal temperature is most accurate (you can also take temperature under armpit) – if it’s higher than 99 F check temperature other way
  1. Call Pediatrician

  • If temperature is higher than 100.4 F (bathing child in lukewarm water may assist in bringing down temperature)
  • Discuss medication intake with doctor before giving to child

For 4 months or older or immunized

  1. Take Temperature

  • Rectal – children under 4 months check in rectal for accuracy – if temperature is above 100.4 F child has a fever
  • Oral – child over 4 months – use pacifier or oral thermometer – if temperature is above 100.4 F child has a fever
  • Ear – child 6 months or older – use temporal artery thermometer – if you need very accurate reading check rectal
  • Armpit – if temperature is above 100.4 F child has a fever
  1. Temperature below 102 F

  • Treat child only if child is uncomfortable
  • Make sure child rests and stays hydrated
  1. Temperature above 102 F and below 105 F

  • Don’t give children aspirin under 18 years old for risk of Reye’s syndrome (brain disease)
  • Call pediatrician to check need of bringing child into to see the doctor
  • Give formula acetaminophen (Tylenol) – before giving fever-reducing medicine consult pediatrician
  • To reduce temperature try bathing or sponging child with lukewarm water
  1. Keep checking on child

  • Don’t let child attend school or daycare until 24 hours after fever
  • Call pediatrician if fever lasts longer than 2 days or worsens or if you’re concerned for child well-being

Call Doctor

  • Children younger than 3 months and a rectal temperature 100.4 or higher
  • Children 3-6 months, has a fever more than 1 day, or temperature higher than 101 F
  • Children older than 6 months and younger than 1 year, has a fever more than 1 day, or with a temperature higher than 103 F
  • Children 1-2 years with high fever more than 1 day
  • All children with temperature higher than 104 F
  • Bulging soft spot on head
  • Severe diarrhea
  • Repeated vomiting
  • Dehydration with non-wet diapers, crying without tears, dry mouth or mucous membranes or sunken spot
  • Fever triggering seizure
  • If you assume the child needs medical attention or child is at a special risk for serious infection

Call 911

  • Having a seizure(s)
  • Lips / skin blue
  • Headache, stiff neck or vomiting
  • Limp or unresponsive
  • Trouble breathing
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