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September 7, 2016

Dealing With Tonsil Stones

Tonsil stones aren’t something brought up often when halitosis is discussed casually, but it can be one of its biggest causes. All its sufferers often know is that their mouths smell disgusting no matter how often they brush their teeth and use mouthwash. You can’t usually see them in the back of your mouth without a good mirror and flashlight, and even then, you may only see the larger ones. If you suspect you may suffer from tonsil stones, ways to treat them are just ahead.

How To Tell When You Have Tonsil Stones

Some people report nothing and only realize they have it if they decide to take a close look at the back of their mouth for some reason and see the white, yellow, or grey masses sitting there in and around their tonsils. The most common symptom is severe halitosis since tonsil stones contain and attract odor-causing bacteria. Irritation and redness or swelling are also not uncommon. There can even be a feeling like there is something caught in your throat, ear pain, and trouble with swallowing when you have tonsil stones.

Tonsil Stones and Dental Hygiene

Tonsil stones are not necessarily a sign of bad dental hygiene and can happen to anyone, as they develop when debris and mucus get caught in the folds of the human tonsil and isn’t swept out by swallowing. Repeated inflammation and infection of the tonsils is the biggest cause, so if you have frequent tonsillitis, the chances are that you have or will experience tonsil stones. They are also caused by having naturally large tonsils that simply contain more places for things to get stuck.

Treating Tonsil Stones At Home

There are various ways to attempt removal and prevention of tonsil stones without seeking professional medical intervention, and it’s safe to try that first as tonsil stones are not a serious health problem on their own. Use a mirror and good lighting so you can see what you’re doing and whether or not it is working. Waiting for them to improve on their own without disturbance is also a valid option, as they often do clear up on their own for at least a while.

Tonsil Stone Prevention

  • If there are any areas in your dental health regiment that could use improving, why not use this as a springboard to improve them? Keeping your mouth clean will help give your tonsils fewer bacteria to attach onto.
  • Drink more water. This helps sweep debris out of your tonsils before it solidifies and becomes tonsil stones.
  • Try to dislodge them manually with a toothbrush, wet swab, or pick but be gentle, so you don’t cause more swelling or irritation. Cleanse the mouth with mouthwash or salt water to remove the aftermath once the stones have been loosened from your tonsils.
  • You can also simply gargle with warm salt water without any manual breaking up of tonsil stones.

If you have constant, chronic issues with your tonsils and are facing seriously uncomfortable symptoms on a regular basis from tonsil stones, you may need antibiotics or surgery and should see a doctor.




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