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July 28, 2016

How To: Recovering from Addiction & Alcoholism

Most rehabs in the U.S. have about a 1% success rate and are staffed by individuals who lack the knowledge, skill, and credentials to provide rehabilitation. The full range of evidence-based services including medication and psychosocial therapy.  Many drug and alcohol counselors only have a G.E.D. and no background in psychology, pharmacology, and trauma release.  The majority of rehabs provide clients with treatment that would have been offered in the 1950s.  Most rehabs treat the symptoms of addiction and alcoholism but don’t address and heal the underlying psychological and chemical components of addiction and alcoholism. The recidivism rate is very high. In 2012 The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University published a report that concluded that the majority of patients in need of addiction treatment didn’t receive anything that resembled evidence-based treatment.

Healing Trauma and Depression – Recovering from Addiction

By healing a client’s depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, etc. and resolving past trauma a person can recover COMPLETELY from addiction and alcoholism.  Many addicts and alcoholics have suffered trauma from physical or sexual abuse.  According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse people addicted to drugs are twice as likely to suffer from mood and anxiety disorders as the general population.  The drug bupropion (trade names: Wellbutrin, Zyban) which is used to treat depression and anxiety has also been shown to reduce craving and the use of the drug methamphetamine.

When Experiencing Trauma & Medication

We store trauma in the muscles of the body as well as the subconscious mind.  When a person experiences trauma their muscles tighten in the flight or flight mode.  During sleep, a person who has experienced trauma will relive the traumatic event which will, in turn, tighten their muscles even more.  The subconscious mind associates the tight muscles with the initial trauma.  The facial expressions, body language, and intonation in the voice of another person can trigger memories of past trauma.  Yoga and breathing exercises can gently release trauma from the muscles of the body and the subconscious mind.  In addition, the proper type and amount of antidepressant can further relax the individual, improve cognitive function, and COMPLETELY removes the desire to self-medicate with drugs and alcohol.

Recovering Completely from Addiction & Alcoholism

In order to recover COMPLETELY from addiction and alcoholism a person has to heal their depression, bipolar disorder, etc., their family of origin issues, and resolve past trauma that is compelling them to abuse substances.  Individuals who have a healthy level of self-esteem, good social skills, healthy personal boundaries, and a purpose in life are less likely to even consider abusing drugs and alcohol.


NYTimes.com – Effective Addiction Treatment

DrugAbuse.gov – DrugFacts: Comorbidity: Addiction and Other Mental Disorders

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