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The Link Between A Healthy Self-image & Happiness
Self-image & Behavior:
There is a definite link between a healthy self-image and happiness. The subconscious mind is fascinating, powerful, and complex. Many people are unaware that their self-image is projected out in front of them like a hologram. We say and do things to others through our self-image. In other words, we treat others the way we believe we should be treated. When we say and do nice things to others it indicates that we like ourselves and have been treated well by our parents, siblings, and other family members while growing up. The Self Image
Subconscious Interpretations of Others
Our subconscious mind contains a catalog of all of our experiences and uses them to interpret the body language, intonation in the voice, and facial expressions of others. Brain Mechanisms for Interpreting the Actions of Others From Biological-Motion Cues The first five years of a child’s life are crucial for developing a positive self-image. Parents need to repeatedly tell their children how much they love them and demonstrate this love through hugs, kisses, good communication, and reasonable discipline.
Parents also do well to demonstrate and reinforce healthy personal boundaries. Healthy personal boundaries consist of the three feet of space that encircle us, our right to say “no”, our right to be treated with love, dignity, and respect, and the right to speak our truth. What Are Personal Boundaries? How Do I Get Some?
Trauma & Self-image:
Trauma can result from verbal, sexual, or physical abuse. During trauma, the muscles clench tightly in the fight or flight syndrome. The subconscious mind associates the tight muscles with the traumatic event. By relaxing the muscles of the body with stretching exercises, running, and yoga a person can release the trauma from the subconscious mind and begin a successful recovery process. Trauma Release
Verbal Abuse
In order to heal trauma from verbal abuse mirror work is excellent. Look into the mirror and say the following: “I love you, you are amazing, you can do anything, and you deserve every good thing in life.” Low Self-esteem & What To Do About It Mirror work may be the first time some people have ever faced themselves and it may not be easy for them at first. Anti-depressants of the proper type and dose can help balance brain chemistry so the person can more calmly and accurately analyze information and situations in order to make rational decisions that benefit themselves and others. Antidepressants Shown To Improve Cognitive Function
Connection Between Self-image & Happiness/Success:
A healthy self-image is a necessary foundation for good communication skills, compassion, the ability to think rationally, and treat oneself and others well. People with a balanced self-image don’t think they are better or worse than other people and therefore enjoy better friendships and relationships (both personal and business). A good level of self-esteem attracts others with a similar level of healthy self-esteem and forges relationships that become stronger due to mutual respect and support.
Good Relationships
Good relationships make people feel loved, happy, and even improves their overall health. Close Relationships Influence Health, Happiness
A person can improve their self-image and the relationship they have with themselves and others by resolving past trauma, balancing brain chemistry, and engaging in daily mirror work to focus on the positive aspects of who they are so they will be equipped to look for the positive things in others.