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What Constitutes Healthy Personal Boundaries And Why Are They Necessary For A Great Life?
Healthy Personal Boundaries
Most people have no clue as to what constitutes healthy personal boundaries. Without a clear understanding of what healthy personal boundaries are many people will have difficulty navigating through their relationships, taking responsibility for their words and actions, and holding others responsible for their behavior.
Healthy personal boundaries consist of the three feet of space that encircle us in which we allow those we trust, the right to pursue our hopes and dreams, the right to be treated with dignity and respect, and the right to say NO. Healthy Personal Boundaries & How To Establish Them
Healthy Self-Esteem
A healthy level of self-esteem is required in order to develop and maintain healthy personal boundaries. It’s important to know how to speak up for yourself in a firm calm voice and communicate your feelings in a non-confrontational manner. Keep in mind that discussions should focus on what is right rather than on who is right.
Before approaching the other person honestly, ask yourself if you’ve violated their boundaries in any way. If you have violated the other person’s boundaries apologize for doing so prior to discussing what they have done to violate your boundaries. Good mental health is vital for being able to moderate one’s moods, analyze information clearly, actively listen to the other person, not take things too seriously, and make rational decisions that benefit all parties involved. How Self-Love and Boundaries Mix Improving Emotional Health
Untreated Depression
Individuals who are dealing with untreated depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, etc. and unresolved trauma suffer from cognitive distortion. Cognitive distortion prevents people from seeing things as they truly are and also keeps them from viewing themselves and others in a positive light.
Cognitive distortion is responsible for feelings of low self-esteem, depression, and relationship conflicts. People suffering from cognitive distortion have problems setting up and enforcing healthy personal boundaries and also have an inability to honor the boundaries of others. Psychology Tools: What are Cognitive Distortions? 15 Common Cognitive Distortions
Antidepressants along with talk and animal therapy can balance brain chemistry and eliminate cognitive distortion. Balanced brain chemistry requires the correct amount of Serotonin, Dopamine, GABA, adrenaline, endorphins, acetylcholine, and melatonin.
Once a person’s brain chemistry is balanced they will be able to think more clearly, better regulate their moods, feel more positive about themselves and others, and will also be able to set up and maintain healthy personal boundaries. Healthy personal boundaries will improve the individual’s self-esteem and confidence in themselves and their abilities. Balance Brain Chemistry: Overcome Depression, Anxiety, Memory Loss
Great Relationships
Healthy personal boundaries are necessary for a great relationship with ourselves and others. When we possess healthy personal boundaries we feel motivated to set up and accomplish attainable goals.
Accomplishing personal goals increases our self-confidence and enables us to encourage others in pursuing and accomplishing their goals. Healthy personal boundaries will improve our relationship with others because we will always be a source of encouragement. Setting Boundaries With Difficult People