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Empowering Hands, One Beat at a Time: Join Our Mission to Save Lives. Together, We're Not Just Learning - We're Lifesavers in Action!
About us
Making training simplified.
Bridging Hearts and Skills for a Safer Tomorrow!
CPR Near Me® was established to bridge the gap in the life-saving skills training industry, facilitating connections between trainees and training providers. The industry encompasses a diverse range of participants, including the general community, first responders, and healthcare providers. These participants engage in a variety of training formats, from hands-on and cognitive training to skills assessments, available at training centers, online, or through mobile platforms.
Recognizing the complexity and fragmentation in the training landscape, we have developed a centralized hub where training providers can list their services. This platform enables trainees to easily find and access the training they need, tailored to their specific requirements.
We are driven by the conviction that training in life-saving skills is essential. Beyond fulfilling workplace mandates, there is a global need for such training. With over four billion adults worldwide, the potential to impact lives through accessible, effective training is immense. CPRNearMe is committed to making life-saving skills training more accessible and efficient, contributing to a safer and better-prepared society.
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